Glad You Asked!

These are frequently asked questions that I have been answering indivually but wanted to add value to a greater audience.

 I Should Have Bought More Crap!

This of course is funny because it's ironic or is it? A man lying on his death bed wishing he bought more crap.

"Crap" of course assesses the value of our possessions. Isn't it interesting the term "crap" is used as a synonym for our material possessions. Yet our culture remains nevertheless preoccupied with consuming material possessions.

Why is that??

So many times, when we work with clients they're so overwhelmed by all the "stuff" they have accumulated over the years. They don't know why that George Forman they never use or why their ice skates from high school are still in basement.

"The biggest reason is our need for safety, security and stability", says Dr. Frank Niles, PhD, "You may think, 'I've used this tool one time and I may never use it again — but what if I need it in the future? I want to be able to have that thing at that time to address that need,'" says Niles. Our idea that having everything we might need available gives us a sense of security and makes us safer.

In reality many people have gotten rid of lots of things and never regretted it.

Another reason we tend to hang onto old mementos is the fact that reminiscing about the past makes us feel good. It can lead to increased feelings of social connectedness and evoke positive emotions. If we look at a photo of a loved one that has passed it gives us a feeling of contentment. We are in fact hardwired to believe the past is better then the present.

If you having a hard time getting rid of your "stuff" focus on the present. Keeping only the items that you love and need for today's life style.

Internet marketing services by eBiz ROI, Inc.